Beyond the page: Giving content a meaning and value
Following the concept of human memory Forget IT aims to create a framework which will bring “managed forgetting” to TYPO3 CMS. It will provide semantic annotation, intelligent preservation and managed archiving of content objects. Learn what dkd plans for 2014 and how you can contribute.
While preservation of digital content is now well established in memory institutions such as national libraries and archives, it is still in its infancy in most other organizations, and even more so for personal content. ForgetIT combines three new concepts to ease the adoption of preservation in the personal and organizational context.
Managed Forgetting:
Managed Forgetting models resource selection as a function of attention and significance dynamics. It is inspired by the important role of forgetting in human memory and focuses on characteristic signals of reduction in salience.
Synergetic Preservation:
Synergetic Preservation crosses the chasm that exists between active information use and preservation management by making intelligent preservation processes an integral part of the content lifecycle in information management.
Contextualized Remembering:
Contextualized Remembering targets keeping preserved content meaningful and useful. It will be based on a process of dynamic evolution-aware contextualization.
Impact on TYPO3 CMS:
Together with the TYPO3 community and selected pilot customers, dkd will work on
establishing the respective extensions to provide these concepts to TYPO3 CMS and its user base.
Olivier will introduce you the project, its concepts and the framework architecture. The past year has been used to define these and a solid foundation was laid.
We elaborated the design and functional requirements by using two use cases (I. Press release, II. DAM integration into the backend).
The current year in the project will be used to create a first and working implementation.
What does this mean for you?
After a short break, a joint brainstorming about how you can be involved and what potential benefits would be, shall take place.
Things to look at will be:
- the value of content objects
- semantic annotation and contextualization
- memory buoyancy, allowing mechanics to forget content over time
- utilization of open standards like CMIS, ODATA, Stanbol