Let's develop TYPO3 Documentation
Learn about the progress that has been made and the current state. Find ten things you didn't know before. Help to identify the next steps and lend your helping hands.
"TYPO3 documentation" is far more than writing manuals. It's about tools, infrastructure, manpower and educating people as well. We'll start with a survey of what we have. This will be the presentational part and you will definitely learn things you didn't know. For the workshop part we need your help and input. What's missing most?
Tools have made their way into the backend and will be controlled by a Flow application and the server. A vagrant setup for that is on the way. Please see if you can help somewhere here.
Everybody can help with an important issue: How can we best help newcomers in contributing to documentation? What should a "Documentation Contribution Guide" look like? What should be in there?
What's on your wishlist? Please bring that along!